It is not advised that you liposuction the back upper thigh during this procedure, because you want that area to be firm and intact to provide support and keep the newly injected fat cells from sliding down into the back of the thigh. Most patients will want to not only sculpt the butt, but also recontour the hips and low back. You can also reduce blood flow to the treatment area by mixing in certain medications into the tumescent fluid. This can be achieved through tumescent liposuction with the Vaser or MicroAire PAL systems.
One of the best ways to ensure this is to use liposuction methods that create as little bleeding as possible.
For this reason, it’s important to transfer fat that is as free of red blood cells as possible. Red blood cells naturally trigger inflammation, since they’re usually only outside of blood vessels when an injury has occurred. It’s important to remove the red blood cells and damaged cells from the fat, so that the body can focus on the survival of the transferred cells, rather than wasting energy detoxifying. The fat is then processed to ensure only the highest-quality fat is transferred. The fat removed during the first part of the procedure is harvested using specialized cannulas that protect the fat cells from damage during the process. This helps create a sleek, fit physique and a nice contrast for your new curves. The Brazilian Butt Lift procedure begins by removing unwanted fat throughout the stomach, hips, back, and occasionally, thighs. View More Photos Augmenting Your Butt with Your Own Fat Removing Unwanted Fat For A Sleeker Physique If you’ve been dreaming of a more balanced silhouette with perkier, feminine curves, BBL can help you re-contour your body. Imagine removing unwanted fat from your stomach, back, and hips, and using that fat to create a more shapely, rounded butt. The Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) procedure creates the ultimate silhouette transformation. 3.11 How long does the BBL procedure take?.3.8 How much does Brazilian Butt Lift cost at your office?.3.6 How much time should I plan to take off work for a BBL procedure? How can I minimize the time I take off work for BBL?.3.5 What can I do post-operatively to make sure my BBL procedure has the best results?.3.4 What can I do pre-operatively to make sure my BBL procedure is a success?.3.3 How much fat can you remove from my unwanted areas during BBL?.3.2 How much fat volume can you add to my butt with BBL?.3.1 Who’s a good candidate for the Brazilian Butt Lift procedure?.2 The Type of Anesthesia Used in Butt Augmentation Surgery.1.2 Harvesting & Processing Fat For BBL.1.1 Removing Unwanted Fat For A Sleeker Physique.1 Augmenting Your Butt with Your Own Fat.